We did it! We somehow managed to leave the house on time and make it to the near west side by 7:30 a.m. Today is my oldest daughter's first day of high school. She began her day with an indulgent 20-minute shower and then headed up to her room to get dressed and listen to her Fray CD. Where did my little baby girl go?
Surprisingly, I was not emotional. It has been much more of a relief than anything. I am confident that Caitlyn is ready for this new season in her life. She has a solid foundation and has been, in essence, groomed to get to this point academically, socially ... spiritually. I am confident that God will keep watch over her and protect her everywhere she goes. It's time for Caitlyn to spread her wings. I am confident that she will succeed. She is ready to fly. I am confident of that, too.