Thursday, October 23, 2008
Final Bloom of the Season
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Eagle Team Work
The Chicago Hope Academy Junior Varsity Volleyball team placed third in the CPC JV Volleyball Tournament this past weekend. Caitlyn (holding the trophy) and her teammates played well. The long volleyball season is nearing an end.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
West Coast - Day Two: High Crosses, Warning Signs & Portal Tombs
The majestic Cliffs of Moher.
"Wild horses couldn't drag me away."
Kinvara Bay
Balancing Poulnabrone Dolmen
Random email exchange from earlier today:
M: Ah, the change in the air during the two hours we were at the Cliffs. Being enthralled by that snail clinging to a blade of grass. Our bus driver and his stories. Our fellow tour mates. The ancient graves and the wildflowers that grew all around (and which I could not pick).
J: "LOL! The double potato! YES! I remember not being afraid of looking over the regulation side of the cliffs, but then going over to the “No Trespassing” side & FREAKING out about all the people walking along the path with no railings, only cliff. I mostly remember ... the beautiful live music coming from the top of the tower."
M: Unbloody believable! We even got to see a king!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Galway or Bust: Irish Rail is Your Friend
Before dinner, we ambled through the shops on the main street & wandered to the shore to look at a bit of history. After dinner, you took a picture of the patches in the pub behind the bar. There was a Chicago patch there … as well as one Chicago fella & some American girl who was looking to hook up … so it seemed. The music was sporadic & the pub crowded & we were tired. I think we got an ice cream & a cab back to the B&B.
We were dead-dog tired by the time we made it back to the B&B … up that REALLY big hill (remember hauling our stuff up there?? YIKES!)! During the night, some fellow who was a “wee bit drunk” tried to get into our room! “Ian, Ian … .”
Sigh….good times! Tomorrow we go to the Cliffs!"
Sidebar: pulling into the train station in Galway, we noticed a lot of police action along the bay. Turns out that a young college student was found murdered earlier that morning. So, when the strange fellow was attempting to get into our room at the Asgard, it was a tad bit creepy. Geraldine, our host at the Asgard, didn't hear a thing. And, yes, there really was a BIG hill that we had to hike up to get to our B&B. We had a difficult time once we left the train station just trying to find College Road. It was really hot that afternoon, too.
Chicago's finest: perched on a bar on Galway.
The Spanish Arch is located where Galway's river meets the sea.
Lots of wool scarves and sweaters to choose from.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Looking Back 10/8/07: Birthdays, Bewley's, Books & Bailey's

One of my favorite pictures. Always read the small print! "Bring your own bag."

Monday, October 06, 2008
One Year Ago Today ...
Janice and I left Chicago aboard an American Airlines flight on our way to Ireland to begin an adventure which would mark the celebration of her 40th birthday and my first trip to Europe. I've been having flashbacks of our journey and would love to go back again one day. Until then, there's always pictures and words.
Now playing: Coldplay - X&Y
via FoxyTunes
Morning Has Broken ... October 7th in Dublin
The back of Christchurch Cathedral (founded in 1030).
With the time change, we actually arrived in Dublin on October 7th, which was an early Sunday morning. Janice purchased the bus tickets with Euros that her mom had given to her. We soon learned that "Quay" is not pronounced the same way that us Americans would pronounce it and it was the first of many trips on buses and trains managing our luggage. It was a cold morning and my knee was a bit swollen from the flight. We were alert enough to get off the bus in the Temple Bar area - not too far away from the Clarence - but not close enough that it was a hop, skip and jump. Cobblestone streets and empty Guinness kegs dotted our route up to Wellington Quay. Once inside the Clarence, we were treated wonderfully ... and we kept our sleepy eyes open just in case Mr. Hewson happened to be in the house.

The view from our room.