I grew up in an apartment filled with lots of music, which explains my vast and scattered listening preferences. My mom had lots of LPs ("albums") in her collection. She loves to remind me how I ruined her Gene Pitney album when I was little. One LP that I remember vividly was Paul Simon's "One Trick Pony," which is the soundtrack to the movie by the same name. The song "Late in the Evening" is probably the most familiar track. I'm not saying that this LP is what caused me to be the fan of the music of Paul Simon/Simon & Garfunkel that I am. Perhaps, your life becomes cemented together with memories influenced by the background music that is filling your life at that moment of time. Three years ago, my mom and I sat up in the nose-bleed section of the United Center during a Simon & Garfunkel concert. We got the chance to hang out and listen to the two old friends harmonize together again. What songs make up the soundtrack to your life?
"The first thing I remember, I was lying in my bed
I couldn't've been no more than one or two
And I remember there's a radio, coming from the room next door
My mother laughed the way some ladies' do
Well it's late in the evening, and the music's seeping through."
Frankly, I have not been impressed with Paul Simon's post Simon & Garfunkel songs that I've heard with the exception of Kodacrome (or whatever it's called) which I really like. And it may be that I only like that one because I like the subject matter of the song - the best outdoor color film ever made. He wrote such great songs for Simon & Garfunkel but his solo songs have been musically junky.
I can't just sit quietly by and let this comment go unchallenged. Graceland--( "Graceland," "You Can Call Me Al," "Diamonds on ther Soles of Her Shoes," "Boy in a Bubble" etc)--is junky? "Still Crazy After All These Years?" "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover?" "Americn Tune?" Give yourself a deeper listen to these wonderful Simon songs and too many others to name. I think you will be in for a treat.
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