This Sunday will be the final running of "The LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon". Bank of America has just completed its take-over of LaSalle Bank; so, next year there will be a name change for this premier event.
There's nothing like standing on the sidelines cheering on all of the runners. We used to stake out a spot near U.S. Cellular Field -- around mile 19 -- and watch the elite runners (including Catherine Ndereba, Khalid Khannouchi and Paul Tergat) go by first. I'd shout out "Jambo!" as the Kenyans and their rabbits flew by.
There is such an incredible feeling of excitement and energy as all of the runners pass by. You get a chill from seeing the Team in Training and World Vision runners who are running to raise money for cancer research or to help African families and children affected by HIV/AIDS. The rest of the field is made up of different men and women from all walks of life ... young and old, first time marathoners and 10-year veterans trying to set a new PR ... middle-aged women with their names written on their t-shirts who smile brightly and pump their hand up in the air when you shout out their name for encouragement... men wearing pink t-shirts
declaring that they are running in memory of a loved one ... bodies with less than 20% body fat to Clydesdale runners. They all pound the flat, fast pavement snaking through Chicago's vibrant neighborhoods -- each destined to reach their goal to justify the months of training.

At lunch today, there were lots of people walking back from the marathon expo with their race packets slung across their shoulders. The sun was shining brightly and there was a definite feeling of hype in the October sky.
I wish I could run. I have a few months to go before I'll feel comfortable enough to get back out there. My knee is continuing to heal and I'm grateful that I finally got it taken care of. I'm placing my sights on running in next Spring's LaSalle Bank Shamrock Shuffle 8K ... wait, I mean the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.
So, to Barbara P., Michelle S. and the 40,000 other runners who will line up Sunday morning ... run strong!
Hebrews 12:1 "... let us run with endurance the race that is set before us ..."
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