I extended my lunchtime runs on Tuesday and Thursday up to the Adler Planetarium and back on my old route, which gives me a 4 mile plus loop. Tuesday's run was the first attempt at this new route and it kicked my butt because it was 87 degrees outside and I didn't have a snack beforehand. I retried it on Thursday and had a much better result.
It seems like Wednesday's strength training sessions are the hardest to sneak in because of scheduling conflicts. I used our Wii Fit this past week because I had to take Alex to a doctor's appointment and couldn't make it to the gym. Every workout has to be written down or else it's too easy to be missed.
Fridays are a "rest" day, which make them even more great.
Yesterday morning, I completed my scheduled 13 mile run. It was the first time I had run that far since the half marathon in June. I felt so much better this time. I did not had to deal with any leg cramps, which made a huge difference.
It's nice seeing the familiar faces at the park during my Saturday morning long runs. The track boys always cheer me on when we pass on our loops around the park. When I start to visualize marathon day, I start to get emotional. I mean, as many of you know, I'm a pretty emotional person as it is; but, the training and preparation for this has been such a mental, physical and spiritual challenge for me that I cannot adequately put it into words. I'm running for a greater cause ... because I know that lives can be touched in a personal way.
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