Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Looking Back 2007
He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide and trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice."
The year was fill
click on the July 26-26, 2007 link).

In June, we spent a week out in California visiting Darrin’s sister Dawn and her husband, Larry. We spent a day up at Zuma Beach in Malibu. While the girls and I were out in the surf, Darrin re
In September, Darrin and Alex fulfilled their dream of owning a dog by brining home a Maltese puppy which we named "Brody". Lottie is slowly warming up to the new addition to the family. Sometimes it
I started noticing pain in my left knee late last year, which I thought was just runner’s knee. I was able to run the Shamrock Shuffle 8K with Darrin and Caitlyn in March, but took two long breaks up through July. During my last attempt to run in July, I made it only three steps before I felt a horrible, ripping-type pain shoot down my leg. An MRI confirmed it was a lateral tear of the left medial meniscus. So, on a Friday in late August, I underwent an arthroscopic surgical repair on my knee. My orthopedic surgeon (the best ever), discovered I also had the start of a tear on the anterior meniscus as well. Darrin, Janice and the girls took exceptional care of me at home and I was able to return to work (with crutches) the following Thursday. I only had six weeks to recuperate from the time of my surgery to the day Janice and I were scheduled to leave for Ireland; so, after a few weeks of physical therapy, I was physically ready to make the journey with Janice to the Emerald Isle to celebrate her 40th birthday.
"Age to age He stands and time is in His hands, Beginning and the end, beginning and the end. The Godhead Three in One, Father Spirit Son, the Lion and the Lamb,
the Lion and the Lamb."
And I remember ... the beauty of freshly fallen snow; early morning prayers with a friend; the joy of freshly brewed coffee at 5:30 a.m.; walking through St. Stephen’s Green; Evening Song in Christ Church Cathedral; Dublin mornings; parents who pray; yearning to run when I couldn’t; a better year of growing hydrangeas; the Danes vs. the Brits at Oliver St. John Gogarty and the "With or Without You" sing-a-long; Looptopia; catching the girls’ sporting events; the climb to the top of Blarney Castle to kiss the Blarney Stone; hearing Stewart Copeland’s familiar drumming as The Police finally took
"Name above all names, Worthy of our praise, My heart will sing How great is our God."
2008. May the new year bring you much love and peace. I pray that your celebration of the Savior’s birth will remind you of all that He has done for you in giving His life as a ransom for all "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Thank you for being a part of our lives.
"How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God, and all will see how great, how great is our God."
"How Great is our God " by Chris Tomlin
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I'm Thankful For ...
"Snail" shot at the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland, October, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Marathon Weekend

This Sunday will be the final running of "The LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon". Bank of America has just completed its take-over of LaSalle Bank; so, next year there will be a name change for this premier event.

I wish I could run. I have a few months to go before I'll feel comfortable enough to get back out there. My knee is continuing to heal and I'm grateful that I finally got it taken care of. I'm placing my sights on running in next Spring's LaSalle Bank Shamrock Shuffle 8K ... wait, I mean the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Two Days
Bits & pieces from the last month:
- began physical therapy three weeks ago and it has helped to strengthen my leg; my surgeon gave me the green light for the trip and asked me to bring him back a picture of my knee on the Blarney Stone;
- inched closer to 40 myself by turning 38 on September 5th; Darrin and the girls gave me an iPod because he was embarrassed to see me with my portable CD player;
- Dawn & Larry left California and moved back home to Chicago;
- the girls are in the midst of volleball season and doing well in school; and
- the garden is winding down; the sedum and pansies are the last bits of color; had lots cucumbers and there are a few tomatoes left on the vine.
I'm determined to be more regular in my posts. Expect lots of pics from the trip.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
"They say it's your birthday ... "
IT'S GOOD TO BE ALIVE! (Compliments to Mr. Lin Brehemer)
Friday, August 10, 2007
Clinical Indications:
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Survey Says ...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The Last Weekend of July
Caitlyn is wrapping up the build project with Arial Homes in Ensenada, Mexico today. They'll be driving back up to San Diego later this afternoon. I miss her, too.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
"somebody spoke and I went into a dream ..."
Of course, many Beatles' tunes bring back memories. It was Steven Duckinew's Beatles belt buckle in 6th grade that made a real impression on me. He loved the Beatles! Then there's Mom's ultimate story of seeing the Beatles play at Comiskey Park in August, 1965. (You noticed I wrote "seeing" rather than "hearing" because the screams of the teenage girls drowned out the music from their little amps. The tickets were $4.50 each). I am still blamed to this day for losing her ticket stub on one of my attic souvenir searches. Dancing with Imo to "Twist and Shout" at the Jukebox Saturday Night stage at Taste of Chicago. A boy who I shared a class with in college who sang to me "Please Please Me" along with his acoustic guitar. But, nothing tops taking my mom

Paul even played the Hofner bass. This was Caitlyn & Alexandra's first concert ... we set the bar high.
"There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all"
In My Life (Lennon, McCartney)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
In These Shoes

Monday, May 07, 2007
Pictures and a Paragraph -- Part II
I had a wonderful time at our Friday evening get-together at Gino's East in Orland Park. I was a bit nervous earlier in the week, but all that passed away as soon as I sat down at the table with my old friends. Just saying "20 years since my high school graduation" is mind blowing. Although many of us are separated by thousands of miles, once we're together, the stories flow colorfully and fondly. It was so good to catch up with one another and hear about what other people in our class are up to these days. My daughters wanted to come with, so they sat on the end and listened tentatively to the tales of old (they love hearing about things we did as kids).
So, Paul, Bryan, Jeff, Zack and Mark ... you each have grown into amazing men who still follow after God's own heart. Thank you for accepting this northside girl in the fall of '86 and making me a part of your class. Words fail to express the appreciation I have for your friendship.
Go Patriots!
Pictures and a Paragraph -- Part I
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Conqueror Evil With Good
"And I believe You’re here now
Standing in our midst.
Here with the power to heal now
And the grace to forgive." ("I believe in Jesus" by: Marc Nelson)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Stir Your Soul ... CHICAGO GOT THE BID!

Saturday, April 07, 2007
Resurrection Sunday

Holy is the Lamb. The precious Lamb of God. Why you loved me so Lord I shall never know. The precious Lamb of God.
Even when I broke, broke your heart
My sins tore us apart
But I'm standin' right here in the midst of my tears
I claim you to be the Lamb of God
New life can begin, yeah
For you washed away, washed away everyone of my sins
Whom the Son sets free is truly free indeed
I claim you to be the Lamb of God
Thank you for the Lamb. The precious Lamb of God. Because of your grace I can finish this race. The precious Lamb of God."
"Now Behold the Lamb" By: Kirk Franklin
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
First Day of Spring
Friday, March 16, 2007
Friday Night is Alright for Fighting
I ran into a few old friends this week. One at a wake and the other at a Starbucks. It's was a bit surreal to play catchup in a 10-15 minute window with people you haven't seen in over ten years ... but so good nonetheless.
"And there's peace and unity and we can be happy everafter."
Happy Everafter by: Julia Fordham
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Spring Fever
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The Best Coffee Maker Ever

Friday, February 02, 2007
"... we're just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle!"

The city is awashed in blue and orange today. We are two days away from our home team's first appearance in the Super Bowl in 21 years. It's just as cold today as it was that day Yvonne and I huddled in Daley Plaza in '85 to await the arrival of the team for the ticker tape parade the day after they clobbered the Patriots in New Orleans. Payton. Hampton. Singletary. The Junk Yard Dogs. McMahon. Butler. Gault. Wilson. Dent. Bortz. Richardson. Ditka. Ryan.
Friday, January 26, 2007
No. 151 Sheridan
We have begun to notice that it's not quite as dark when we leave the office at 5:00 p.m. I swear I even saw some crocus popping up last weekend. Winter is still heavy upon us, but I feel hopeful that Spring is not too far away.