Today kicks off the baseball season for our beloved Chicago Cubs and White Sox. The Cubs have a 1:20 p.m. start against the Milwaukee Brewers at Wrigley, but with dropping temperatures (we're around 41 right now), fog and rain in the mix, I'd be surprised if they're even able to make it to the 3rd inning. The White Sox will be facing the Cleveland Indians on the road this afternoon with Mark Buehrle taking the mound.
On a side note, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Chicago Sun-Times had published a little piece that I wrote in today's edition of their "Talk Back" section.
Warped Priorities:
I was appalled to read in Sneed's column on Thursday how Gov. Blagojevich issued his "help me on this" plea to local politicos in his eager attempt to help the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority buy Wrigley Field. What is he doing about the ever-escalating cost of college
education in the state of Illinois? Perhaps he should ask the state legislature to help him on doing something to put a lid on the costs of pursuing an education at the public universities in our state.